How do I adjust the taxes on an approved exercise?
The company’s Option exercise approver can manually adjust the breakdown of taxes associated with an exercise during the approval process, but Full access users can update tax withholding amounts after an exercise has been approved or reflected manually by following the steps below.
Navigate to Securities > Review exercises. Locate the exercise request you need to adjust, click the three dots to its right, and select Adjust taxes.
Select an Adjustment reason from the dropdown and update the necessary withholding amounts in the Adjusted column. Uncheck a tax type to remove it, or click + Add another tax type.
When you’re finished, check the box to acknowledge and agree to the adjustment implications disclaimer and click Save adjustment.
How do I view tax adjustments?
Navigate to Cap Table > Run reports and export the Exercised and settled report.
Within the report, the Taxes adjusted column of the Exercised & Settled and Pending Exercises tabs uses TRUE or FALSE values to indicate whether adjustments have been made.
To view tax adjustments to an individual grant, locate it on the Equity awards page and click to open the grant details.
Click into the Exercises tab to view the Taxes adjusted tag and a banner with more info (which is visible to both the company admin and the holder within their portfolio).