
What email notifications does Carta LLC send to company administrators and interest holders?


Emails sent to users:

Account verification email

Sent to verify a new user's email address. Users who sign up to accept interests do not have to verify their email address.

Password reset email

Sent to a user when we receive a request to reset his or her password.

Email change notification

Sent to a user for security purposes when their email has been changed.

Acceptance invitation

Sent to the holder to accept their interests.

Data room invitation

Sent when users who are not company administrators are invited to access data rooms in Carta LLC.

K-1 notification

Sent to users when issuing companies share K-1s with interest holders.

Distribution notification

Sent to users when a company administrator releases a new distribution and decides to notify holders.

Emails sent to company management:

Accept role

Sent to inform a user they have been given access to a company on the Carta LLC platform. They can accept their administrative role via this email.

Task to sign new interest (Sent to Company signatories)

Sent to inform the delegated signatory that they have a task to sign a new interest issued from their company. Once the task is complete, the interest holder will be notified to complete the acceptance workflow.